Last Updated on February 8, 2022 by Saria

13 Easy Ways to Save Money Every Day – Are You Doing Any?

“I don’t earn enough to save.”

“How can I save money every day of my life?”

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say we’ve said or asked this before.

But is it possible to save money daily, especially when you don’t earn enough?


In today’s post, I’ll show you 13 easy ways to save money every day that you can start immediately.

And you will save.

In fact, some of these have helped me reach my financial goals faster.

However, it’s recommended that you:

  • Evaluate your current situation first, have a reason you want to save, and have a set amount. For example, you may want to save $1,000 for emergencies.
  • Create a budget.

Doing so will help you keep things in perspective and hopefully help you achieve your financial goals.

Now let’s dive in.

1. Plan your meals

meal planning to save money

Are you rolling your eyes because you must’ve seen this tip on every money-saving blog? Guess what? It’s worth including because it works. You do save.

Planning what you’ll eat for the week, shopping around that plan, and sticking to it ensures you spend less money than buying on a whim or relying on food delivery.

How to meal plan to save time and money:

  • Put meal planning on your to-do list. Yes, schedule a time during the week to write down what you’ll eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the upcoming week. I like preparing mine on weekends.
  • Plan around what’s on sale at your grocery store, or look through your pantry, freezer, or refrigerator first for what’s on hand.
  • Plan around your hectic schedule. Keep meal plans simple, so you won’t throw in the towel and give up.
  • Ask friends and family for their favorite recipes or search online for inspiration.
  • Save all your meal plans or recipes so you can refer to them in the future. Sometimes we get so busy we forget to plan, and we end up buying take-out or lunch (yes, it happens a lot). You’ll also have a variety on hand to choose from, so you won’t get bored and tired of eating the same things.

2. Buy groceries once a week

buying groceries once a week

After your meal planning exercise, armed with your grocery list in hand, your shopping is more intentional.

You save money because it’s easier to stick to your meal plan and budget, less food is wasted, and reduced trips save you gas, and time especially if you shop from one store.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when grocery shopping:

  • Don’t travel to a store that’s out of the way just to save a dollar.
  • Shop on a full stomach. You’ll most likely buy extra items if you’re hungry.
  • When searching for grocery items, check the lower shelves as higher-priced items are placed at eye level.
  • Use the calculator on your phone to keep track of your expenses. If you are below budget, save the extra cash.
  • Pay with cash.

3. Buy in season fruits and vegetables

Buying fruits and vegetables in season

Eating fruits and vegetables every day is good for our health, but that doesn’t mean we have to spend a bundle on these everyday necessities.

You can save money in the following ways:

  • Buy fruits and vegetables that are season as they’re in abundance and therefore cheaper.
  • Buy from your local farmer’s market. Their produce is more affordable, healthier, and pesticide-free.
  • Incorporating more into your diet contributes to a healthy lifestyle, hence fewer trips to the doctor.
  • You can buy in bulk and freeze them or use a dehydrator.
  • You can make jellies and jam and store them for later use.

4. Use instant coffee

Drinking Instant coffee

If you love your cup of joe but you want to save, make the switch to instant coffee. Sure, it may be at the bottom of the pile, but don’t rule it out.

You can minimize your daily trips to your local coffee shop if you make your coffee from home to take to work.

You can try out these brands.

5. Go meatless a few times a week

Going meatless

For a few days a week, you can substitute meat with beans and legumes. They are protein-packed, highly nutritious, and cheaper.

You don’t have to be vegan, but if you want to save money, consider omitting meat from your meals a few times, and you’ll save in the process.

Here are a few beans and legumes you can try:

  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney Beans
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Pinto Beans

If you really can’t do without meat, buy cheaper cuts such as chicken thighs over chicken breasts.

6. Pack your lunch for work

Taking lunch to work

Preparing your lunch to take to work saves you a lot of money. The cost of a meal purchased at a restaurant can be equivalent to more than one meal prepared from home.

Here are some tips to help you make packing lunches easier, so you’re not tempted to buy:

  • Make enough food at dinner time so you’ll have leftovers for lunch the next day.
  • Keep your meals simple so that you’ll have enough time to prepare a variety of dishes. Not everyone’s keen on eating the same meals five days a week, and some don’t have time to cook every night.
  • Make batches of food such as soups, stews, and lasagna, and freeze them. This works well if you have a busy schedule. Not to mention cooking in batches can save you time washing pots and pans.
  • Have enough food containers on hand so you can pack lunches individually to grab and go.
  • Pick a day to meal prep. I do Sundays and Wednesdays. If I know I’ll have a busy week ahead; I just select simple meal plans from my list and prep on a Sunday.

7. Use cash for day-to day expenses   

Using cash for day to day expenses

Use cash for day-to-day expenses such as groceries, fast food, or drinks. 

Using a credit or debit card makes it easier to spend. You just swipe the plastic, and you bring home the goods. You can spend impulsively, and you’ll most likely blow your budget.

Assuming you already have a budget, you can identify the expenses you want to pay with cash and place the budgeted amounts in envelopes labeled for each cost.

Once you’re ready to shop, like buying your groceries for the week, you take a portion (not all) from the envelope. When the money runs out for an envelope, that’s it. No borrowing from other envelopes and don’t use your credit or debit cards as a backup either.

 Here are some reasons to use cash if you want to save:

  • It’s difficult to part with your hard earn cash. When you use cash, you realize how much something really costs, so it’ll be painful handing over those bills. Imagine handing over $100 for a new dress. Most likely, you’d think twice about making that purchase and walk away in search of a better deal.
  • You can save the coins from a cash purchase and place them in a jar until you’re ready to bank them—another excellent way to save again.
  • If you lack the discipline for making timely payments on a credit card, or if you can’t pay the balance in full, pay with cash.
  • You’ll end up paying more for an item because of interest if you used a credit card, don’t pay the balance in full, and only pay the minimum payment. Imagine paying interest on meals purchased at restaurants months ago. Now that’s money flushed down the toilet.
  • If the balance on your debit card exceeds your budget, you may be tempted to spend. However, if it’s within your budget, then you can use the card in place of cash.

8. Track your spending

Tracking your spending

Tracking or recording your expenses is one of the best things you can do if you want to start saving. You need to know where your money is going first.

Together with budgeting, tracking your spending:

  • Helps you understand where your money is being spent.
  • Lets you know if you’re overspending on small expenses such as clothes, coffee, and entertainment.
  • Gives you a better idea of what you spend versus what you think you’re spending.
  • Helps you identify spending patterns.
  • Enables you to spend wisely and stay within your budget.

It’s eye-opening, and it’ll make you cringe when you see that money that could’ve been stashed away in savings was spent on a little item here and there.

Whether you use your phone, an app, or a little notebook, take note of everything you spend for the day. You can also take photos of the receipts so you can record them later.

When you know what you spend money on, you’ll have a better idea if you have a spending problem. It’ll help you identify the areas you need to change so that you can work on improving your financial situation.

9. Use less water

Use less water

Less than 1% of the water on earth can be used by humans. And some of that water is unattainable for use. This is one good reason for us to conserve water.

There are different ways you can conserve water that’ll also help you save money.

Here’s how:

  • Turn off the tap when shaving or brushing your teeth.
  • Take shorter showers. And even better, switch to a low-flow showerhead.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl of clean water instead of under running water.
  • When cooking, use the right size pan. Can you imagine boiling an egg in a large cooking pan?
  • Reuse water left in pet bowls or drinking glasses to water plants.

10. Reduce energy costs

Reducing energy costs

Conserving energy is not only better for our planet, but it also helps us save too.

You can lower your electricity bill by making a few changes around the house.

Here’s how:

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room, or you can install motion sensor lights.
  • Use LED light bulbs.
  • Unplug your gadgets (appliances, computers, television) when not in use.
  • Wash your laundry in cold water.
  • Don’t put hot food in your refrigerator.

11. Reduce transportation costs

Reducing transportation costs

Owning a car comes with obvious benefits, but there’re costs such as fuel, maintenance, and insurance.

If you must use your car to commute to work, you can consider finding free parking as an option to save.

But if you really want to save, try these tips:

  • Use public transportation a few days a week.
  • Walk or bike instead to places that are a short distance away. You’ll be keeping fit too.
  • You can carpool.
  • Don’t speed. You’ll get fewer miles to the gallon and a speeding ticket.
  • Remove any extra weight from your car. Check your back seat and trunk for things that should be stashed away in the garage. It’ll improve your fuel economy.

12. Skip the gym

Working out at home

Working out is healthy, but it can be expensive, especially if you pay for a gym membership you don’t use.

You can keep fit and save by following these tips:

  • Buy exercise equipment such as yoga mats, light weights, resistance bands, jump rope, and exercise from home.
  • Use YouTube for exercise and workout sessions.
  • Take walks or run outside.
  • Use free workout apps.
  • Use the stairs. Skip the escalator or elevator as much as you can. But if you use the escalator, walk on it instead of just standing and letting it do the work.

13. Invest in yourself

Invest in yourself

If you want to improve your finances, saving is one way to do so. But investing in yourself increases your chances to earn more, and it also boosts your confidence.

Here’s how you can invest in yourself every day:

  • Learn a new skill. You can watch videos, listen to podcasts, or take an online course to support your dream.
  • Start a side hustle. This is one way you can earn extra income in addition to your regular job. You can start some side gigs with little to no money at all.
  • Read educational books.
  • Find a financial mentor. It can be a friend or relative who knows how to save. Ask for tips and strategies and put them to use to see which ones work for you.
  • Set a goal to do some of the tips outlined in this post to help you save every day. Choose one, write it down, and commit to it. In no time, you’ll be saving like a pro.

You Now Know 13 Easy Ways to Save Money Every Day

Now it’s your turn.

You don’t have to wait for a salary increase. You can start saving today if you follow these tips.

If you can’t get into the habit of saving when you don’t earn enough, the habit won’t magically appear when you start to make more money.

So, which of the 13 ways are you going to try first?

Is it packing your lunch for work?

Or taking shorter showers?

Maybe I didn’t mention your favorite easy way to save money every day.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below.

easy ways to save

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